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Lychee (Hill)


Lychee (Litchi chinensis)

This Hill variety is grown from seeds of a heavily fruiting mother plant in Northland. The plant is 4 years old.

The Hill variety originated from Australia, it has large and sweet tasting and juicy fruit.
Native to South East Asia, the golf ball-sized tropical fruit looks similar to a strawberry. Its bumpy skin covers a translucent white flesh that’s a good source of Vitamin B, Vitamin C and potassium.

The lychee fruit has a sweet, aromatic taste to it. Some people say it tastes like a grape with a hint of rose, while others claim it tastes more like a pear or watermelon. The combination of sweet and tart means the lychee pairs well with other tropical flavours.

Although some seed grown plants are not true to type, they will still provide you with a delicious tasting fruit in years to come.

Plant Care  

  • Soil: Prefers slightly acidic, well-draining soil rich in organic matter.
  • Watering: Requires consistent moisture, especially during the growing season. Avoid waterlogging.
  • Temperature: Best in warm, humid climates between 20°C and 35°C. Frost-sensitive.
  • Light: Full sun to produce the best fruit.
  • Fertilising: Apply a balanced NPK fertilizer like 10-10-10 every two months during the active growth period. Increase potassium during the fruiting period to enhance fruit quality.
  • Pruning: Prune annually after harvest to maintain shape and remove dead branches.
  • Mulching: Mulch around the base to maintain soil moisture and reduce temperature fluctuations.
  • Pest Control: Monitor for fruit flies, borers, and mites. Implement appropriate pest control strategies.
  • Flowering and Fruiting: Flowers are produced on new wood; fruit ripens in late spring or early summer.
  • Potting: Can be grown in large pots with adequate drainage. Requires careful management of watering and feeding.
  • Feeding Regime: Lychee trees benefit from regular applications of fertilizer to support their growth and fruit production. Apply a balanced NPK fertilizer such as 10-10-10 every two months during the active growing season. As the tree approaches the flowering stage, switch to a fertilizer that is higher in potassium and lower in nitrogen to encourage fruit set and improve fruit quality. Additionally, lychees may require micro-nutrients, particularly magnesium and zinc, which are crucial for preventing deficiencies that can affect tree health and fruit development. These can be applied as foliar sprays or added to the soil based on soil test results.