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Mysore - Banana


Size: Small

Mysore Banana (Musa)

Mysore bananas are celebrated for their exceptionally sweet taste and delicate skin, placing them firmly in the dessert banana category. These bananas are distinctively short and plump, earning them the occasional nickname of "berry bananas" due to their uniquely sweet and tangy profile.

Growing predominantly in subtropical regions, the Mysore banana plant stands between 3-4 meters tall and is easily distinguishable by the pinkish-purple undertones on the midribs and rear of its young leaves. While they bear some resemblance to the Misi Luki variety found in New Zealand, the two are distinct. In India, the Mysore banana holds a significant place as a staple dessert fruit. With its hardy nature, it thrives particularly well in Northern New Zealand.

Plant Care

  • Watering: Maintain consistent moisture, watering deeply especially in warmer months. Reduce watering in cooler months.
  • Temperature: Best between 26°C and 30°C. Bananas are not frost-tolerant and require protection or placement in warm climates.
  • Light: Full sun is ideal.
  • Fertilising: Use a high-nitrogen fertilizer such as 30-10-10 monthly during the growing season to support vigorous leaf growth. Once the plant starts flowering, switch to a high-potassium fertilizer like 15-5-30 to support fruit development.
  • Pruning: Regularly remove dead leaves and spent fruit stalks. Cut back the main fruiting stem after harvest to encourage new growth.
  • Mulching: Apply heavy mulch to retain soil moisture, provide nutrients, and suppress weeds.
  • Pest Control: Look out for pests such as aphids, spider mites, and nematodes. Use eco-friendly pesticides if necessary.
  • Flowering and Fruiting: Each pseudostem will fruit once. Fruit typically matures in about 3 to 8 months, depending on conditions and variety.
  • Potting: Suitable for large containers, but requires ample space and meticulous care to manage growth and ensure sufficient nutrients.