Today in this video I am eating juicy Pomelo, which is really very special. Pomelo is a humongous citrus. There are a few varieties, a sweet and sour one. Back home we only have the sweet variety, we have the white, green and red flesh. In New Zealand it is quite limited what you can get and usually you can buy the white flesh. Now, Pomelo is different that grapefruit which is quite sour, but Pomelo can be in between sour and sweet, especially if you pick them fresh they are not sour at all. Pomelo is really hard to get and come buy, if you see them now and again, its a really interesting fruit and quite rare as well. We do have some Pomelo marcot and we are trying to graft as well that we hope to have available for you probably around summer this year.
Once you cut the Pomelo as you can see they are quite special, they do have quite a thick skin that you have to peel them very carefully, but once you remove the skin you cut them in half and peel them out. They are quite juicy. You can just eat Pomelo just like this by itself, you can sprinkle them with salt or have them in salads. Some people blend them into a juice or smoothie with a few drops of honey which is really nice. The flesh is so juicy.
Pomelo is easy to take care of and they don't require much maintenance. If you are a fan of citrus plants, then Pomelo is definitely one of the citrus you must grow.
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