Korunui by Exotica NZ


Korunui - From Land to Hand ®

At Korunui, our passion lies in bringing you the finest herbs and spices from around the globe, transforming them into key elements of health and wellness. This dedication reflects our commitment to nurturing a new and improved you, one that will be grateful for the changes these natural wonders inspire. We carefully select only the top-quality ingredients, offering you the miraculous benefits of herbs and spices known to enhance health and wellbeing.

Our journey at Korunui is marked by a relentless pursuit of growth and self-improvement whilst quality is our guiding principle. We strive for excellence, investing extensively in product innovation and customer satisfaction. As Korunui expands, our quest for distinctive and exotic offerings continues unabated. We are thrilled to introduce our premium vanilla beans to you, a symbol of our commitment to excellence, sourced from the earth and delivered directly into your hands, promising health and vitality. Cultivating these beans is an intricate process, requiring meticulous hand pollination and overcoming the misconception of being 'mundane' or 'ordinary.' However, much like the depths of human character, vanilla is rich and complex beneath its surface. Through persistence, care, and resilience, it blossoms into something genuinely extraordinary.

Gourmet Vanilla Beans

In 2022, we launched an ambitious research project focusing on unique traditional herbs that enhance overall health. This initiative was spearheaded by our founder, Rose, whose extensive family background in midwifery deeply informs her expertise. Rose’s profound knowledge and skills in preparing traditional medicinal herbs are particularly effective in alleviating symptoms associated with pre and post-menopausal phases, as well as postpartum care. Raised by a father who was a passionate botanist, and a very successful chef for a mother, Rose mastered the art of creating extracts, ointments, and pastes from carefully selected herbs for skincare and wellness. Her parents also taught her to prepare medicinal extracts aimed at men's health and to process leaves of herbal plants into powdered forms for medicinal purposes. 

This knowledge culminated in the creation of Korunui 100% pure extracts of rare Black Tongkat Ali, Manjakani, and Moringa. These products were developed from Rose’s desire to foster health improvements through natural remedies. Over the next 18 months, we will be introducing two new product lines featuring 10 unique flavours. Each flavour is inspired by Rose's dedication to combining natural ingredients with exotic tastes.

100% Pure Liquid Extracts

We're also proud to support The Starship Foundation, contributing $1 from every Korunui brand product sale to help improve children's health and futures. This partnership is close to our heart, influenced by the care Rose's children received. Choosing Korunui means you're not just buying a premium New Zealand brand, but also supporting the wellbeing of Kiwi children.