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Cara Cara Navel Orange - Matured & Fruiting


Cara Cara Navel Orange (Citrus sinensis)

Extremely sweet and low in acid, Cara Cara navel oranges also have higher vitamin A and C content than standard navel oranges. Virtually seedless. Cara Cara navels have a round shape and a bright orange skin like a traditional orange. Their flesh, though, is pink and resembles the flesh of a pink grapefruit. Cara Cara navels have a more complex sweet flavour than regular navels that includes a hint of raspberry.

Cara Cara oranges, botanically classified as Citrus sinensis, are a natural hybrid that belongs to the Rutaceae or citrus family. Also known as the Pink navel and Red navel, Cara Cara oranges are believed to be a cross between the Brazilian Bahia and the Washington navel orange and were discovered as a mutation on a Washington navel orange tree in Venezuela. Favoured for their berry-like flavour and low acidity, Cara Cara oranges have recently increased in popularity as specialty fruits are being highlighted on social media, bringing awareness to the unusual varieties.

Our plant is matured and fruiting 

Plant Care

  • Soil: Prefers well-draining, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • Watering: Water deeply and regularly, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings.
  • Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 15°C and 30°C. Protect from frost.
  • Light: Full sun is essential for optimal growth and fruit production.
  • Fertilising: Use a citrus-specific NPK fertilizer with micronutrients, typically a ratio like 6-3-3, every four to six weeks during the growing season.
  • Pruning: Prune to shape, improve airflow, and remove dead or diseased branches in late winter or early spring.
  • Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base to help retain moisture and suppress weeds, but keep it away from the trunk.
  • Pest Control: Monitor for citrus pests such as scale, mites, and citrus leaf miner. Treat with appropriate insecticides or natural remedies.
  • Flowering and Fruiting: Blooms in spring with fruit development continuing through summer and into fall, depending on the variety.
  • Potting: Suitable for container growing, especially dwarf varieties. Ensure containers have good drainage.
  • Feeding Regime: Increase feeding frequency during peak growing and fruiting periods.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Te Waka Davis

Great service fast shipping good quality


My girl is hooked on oranges! So we Brought her this 🥰 it’s now pumping after the sheep haven’t a bite twice 😂