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Keitt Mango Plant


Keitt Mango (Mangifera indica)

The Keitt mango, with its origins in the sun-kissed lands of Florida, offers a delightful paradox in the world of mangoes. At first glance, its thick green skin might fool you into thinking it’s not yet ripe, but beneath that verdant exterior lies a vibrant yellow-orange treasure. This mango isn't just about looks, though; it brings to the table a taste that's nothing short of ambrosial. Its sweet and rich flavor dances on the palate, making it a top contender among mango aficionados.

The fruit is generous in size, taking on an elegant oval to slightly oblong shape, and when you delve into its succulent flesh, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find it almost devoid of fibers. This silky texture, combined with its thin seed, means there’s more for you to enjoy. The tree itself, with its open canopy, stands as a testament to nature's bounty, bearing fruit typically later in the mango season. This not only extends the mango festivities but also ensures that the Keitt variety, with its commendable shelf life, finds its way to far-off places, delighting palates globally. If there's a mango that promises an epicurean adventure, it's undoubtedly the Keitt.

Mango plants thrive in frost-free conditions and flourish when shielded during their flowering phase. If you don’t have a greenhouse, it’s advisable to nurture the plant undercover in a pot for its initial four years. These plants prefer being rootbound, so retaining them in smaller pots can expedite their maturity and flowering. We’ve successfully cultivated several mango plants in pots, witnessing fruiting in as early as their fourth year. However, results can differ based on the care provided and adherence to growth prerequisites.

Photo #2 gives sizing indications for small, medium, large and extra large plants.

* Plants will be ready and delivered by mid December 2023 or earlier (approximately)

Although some seeds growing plants are not true to type, it will still provide you with a delicious tasting fruit in years to come.

Plant Care Instructions Doc

Plant Care 

1. Location: Choose a sunny spot for your mango tree, as they thrive in full sunlight. Ensure it’s a location protected from strong winds, which can damage young plants.

2. Soil: Mangoes prefer well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. If you’re planting in an area with heavy clay soil, consider amending it with compost or planting the tree on a mound to improve drainage.

3. Watering: Newly planted mango trees need regular watering until they establish roots. Once established, reduce watering, allowing the soil to dry out between intervals. Overwatering can lead to root rot.

4. Fertilizing: In the first year, feed your mango tree every other month with a balanced fertilizer. In subsequent years, you can reduce the frequency. Always follow the fertilizer manufacturer’s instructions.

5. Pruning: Regularly prune your mango tree to maintain an open canopy, which allows sunlight to penetrate and air to circulate. This helps prevent diseases and ensures better fruit production.

6. Pest and Disease Management: Keep an eye out for pests like mango fruit flies, scale, and aphids. For diseases, anthracnose and powdery mildew can be issues. If noticed, treat with appropriate organic or chemical solutions, but always follow label recommendations.

7. Harvesting: Mangoes are ready to harvest when they give off a fruity aroma at the stem end and yield slightly to gentle pressure. The skin color isn’t always the best indicator of ripeness, especially with varieties that remain green when ripe.

8. Protection:Young mango plants are sensitive to cold weather. If a cold snap is expected, consider providing some form of protection, such as covering the plant or using windbreaks.

By following these general care guidelines and adapting to your specific region's conditions, you'll be well on your way to enjoying luscious mangoes right from your garden!

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