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Cherimoya - Perla - Grafted


Perla Cherimoya - Grafted (Annona cherimola) 

A very nice variety of cherimoya and really smooth creamy texture like an ice cream. Medium size fruit.  Very reliable cropper.

Perfect dessert plant tastes great by itself or in a smoothies. Perfect combination with yoghurt or ice cream. Always taste better cold.  

Long fruiting season. Ideal condition when planted in the ground but they are happily growing in a large pot. They are also deciduous. 

Plant Care  

  • Soil: Cherimoya trees prefer well-drained, fertile soil that is rich in organic matter. They thrive in slightly acidic to neutral pH levels. Enhancing the soil with compost or well-rotted manure can improve its fertility and structure.
  • Watering: Cherimoya requires regular watering to maintain evenly moist soil, especially during the fruiting and flowering stages. However, it's important to ensure good drainage to prevent root rot, as cherimoya does not tolerate waterlogged conditions.
  • Temperature: Cherimoya is suited to mild, subtropical climates and does not tolerate extreme heat or frost. The ideal temperature range is between 15°C and 25°C. Trees require some protection from high winds and extreme temperatures.
  • Light: Prefers full sun to partial shade. Full sun is beneficial for fruit production, but in very hot climates, some afternoon shade can help protect the tree from excessive heat stress.
  • Fertilising: Fertilise cherimoya trees with a balanced NPK fertilizer every few months during the growing season to support growth and fruit development. Additional applications of potassium can enhance fruit quality. Be cautious with nitrogen; excessive nitrogen can promote leaf growth at the expense of fruit production.
  • Pruning: Prune annually to remove dead or diseased wood and to open up the tree for better light penetration and air circulation. Pruning can also help maintain the tree at a manageable size for easier harvesting.
  • Mulching: Apply a thick layer of organic mulch around the base of the tree to help retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and provide nutrients as it decomposes. Keep the mulch a few inches away from the trunk to prevent moisture buildup that could cause fungal issues.
  • Pest Control: Monitor for pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects. Use appropriate organic or chemical treatments as necessary. Maintaining good air circulation within the canopy and keeping the area around the tree clean can help reduce pest and disease issues.
  • Flowering and Fruiting: Cherimoya produces fragrant flowers that are hermaphroditic but require hand-pollination for effective fruit set in many regions due to the lack of natural pollinators. The fruits are large, with a green, scale-like skin and creamy, sweet interior flesh. Fruit typically matures 5-8 months after flowering.
  • Potting: While typically grown in the ground, cherimoya can be cultivated in large containers where soil conditions or climate are not ideal. Ensure the container is large enough to accommodate the root system and has good drainage.
  • Feeding Regime: In addition to regular NPK fertilization, applying a layer of compost or well-rotted manure around the base of the tree in spring can provide a slow-release nutrient boost that supports growth and fruiting throughout the season.

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